Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore

Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore

Do you frequently have common dreams about certain themes, and wonder if the dream symbols mean something? Here are the common dream meanings you must know about.

Have you ever dreamed about being lost or trapped? How about missed opportunities, or car troubles? Some other common dreams include failing a test, being chased, teeth decay, and falling or sinking.

At first glance dreams might be just fictional scenarios our minds make up when we’re sleeping but what if there’s more to them than that? Although there’s no scientific evidence to prove that dreams hold special meaning. However, for many years they have been studied to promote better self-awareness and to help us understand what’s bothering us in our everyday lives.

In addition, according to Suzanne Bergman, a social worker and dream specialist, “Dreams are a universal language creating often elaborate images out of emotional concepts.”

Have you been recognising certain themes you frequently dream about?

Here are the most common dream meanings


Failing a test Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore

Contrary to what it sounds like, people who dream of this scenario are usually no longer in school. Common dream scenarios involve having trouble finding the test room, being unprepared from lack of studying or even missing the equipment to complete the test.

These types of dreams indicate that you are feeling tested in real life which makes you anxious about what your future holds.


Common Dream Meanings You Should NEVER IgnoreBeing lost or trapped

This is a common dream many people have. It usually means you’re unsure about what step to take next from a particular circumstance in your life.

People who dream about getting lost in the woods, a large building or any maze-like structure in general often feel overwhelmed and can’t seem to find a way out.

In addition, this reflects the mental, physical, financial or emotional burdens they are experiencing in real life.


Missed opportunitiesCommon Dream Meanings You Should NEVER Ignore

Do you ever dream about missing a bus, train, plane or taxi? Often people who dream about such scenarios tend to miss them only by a fraction of a second. This can also apply to scenarios where you dream about being late for a job interview, performance or a special event.

For instance, in real life these dreams may reflect the regrets you have for not going after what you wanted. Whether that means missing out on seeing your favourite band perform live, or not applying for your dream job on time.


Car problemsCar problems

People who dream about these scenarios usually find themselves in or near a car. They can either be the driver or the passenger when they experience a brake failure, flat tyre or getting hit by another car.

In real life this typically means that you feel like you don’t have control over a certain situation, or you might be headed for trouble in the future.


Being chasedBeing chased

This is a common dream people with anxiety often have. They usually dream about being chased by an animal, person or something they cannot readily identify in real life.

It means that they are trying to run away from a certain situation or in addition it could be an emotion they are not ready to confront yet. Such as grief or a breakup.


Tooth decayTooth decay

Have you ever dreamed about reaching into your mouth, only to feel your teeth fall out? Or that there is a missing gap?

This indicates that you may feel insecure in real life, unattractive, or not good enough. Whether it relates to school, your work life or a romantic relationship.

You may also have a fear of being embarrassed or judged by others.


Falling or sinking Falling or sinking

People who dream of this scenario often find themselves falling from a high building or sinking into an ocean. They usually feel helpless and overwhelmed.

It’s a common misconception to believe that having those dreams is a prediction of your own death. In reality, they indicate your fear of falling. Or that you’re not content with where you are in life.

In other words, you may need to carve a new path or make some new choices to help you find meaning again.

I’d love to know which of these themes you commonly dream about?

Do you think these common dream meanings hold any truth for you?

Let us know in the comments below!

Welcome to Vivre Le Rêve, an online lifestyle magazine for all those who are or who want to be living the dream! I’m Rose, the lifestyle editor here at Vivre Le Rêve.