Easy Mayonnaise Recipe

Easy Mayonnaise Recipe

Here’s an easy mayonnaise recipe:


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 120ml of neutral-tasting oil (such as vegetable or sunflower oil)


  1. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, vinegar or lemon juice, Dijon mustard, and salt until well combined.
  2. While whisking continuously, slowly pour the oil into the bowl steadily. Continue whisking until the mixture emulsifies and thickens to the consistency of mayonnaise.
  3. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. If the mayonnaise is too thick, thin it out with a bit of water or lemon juice.
  4. Store the mayonnaise in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  5. Enjoy your homemade mayonnaise!

Additional mayonnaise recipe tips

  1. If you want to add extra flavour to your mayonnaise recipe, you can experiment with ingredients such as minced garlic, fresh herbs like basil or parsley, or even hot sauce.
  2. For a healthier version of mayonnaise, you can substitute the neutral-tasting oil with avocado or extra-virgin olive oil. Remember that the flavour will be different, and the mayonnaise might have a slightly green tint if you use avocado oil.
  3. If you don’t have a whisk, you can use a hand blender or a food processor to make the mayonnaise. Simply combine all the ingredients except the oil in the blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Then, slowly pour in the oil while the blender or food processor is running until the mixture emulsifies and thickens.

Making your own mayonnaise is easy, and it’s a great way to control the ingredients and avoid additives and preservatives found in store-bought mayo. Plus, it tastes delicious and fresh!

What is homemade mayonnaise made of?

Homemade mayonnaise is typically made from egg yolk, vinegar or lemon juice, mustard, salt, and oil. The egg yolk acts as an emulsifier, which helps bind the oil, vinegar, or lemon juice into a smooth and creamy mixture. The vinegar or lemon juice provides a tangy flavour. While the mustard adds a bit of spice and helps to stabilise the emulsion. Salt is added for seasoning. The oil is what gives the mayonnaise recipe its rich and creamy texture. Neutral-tasting oils such as vegetable, sunflower, or grapeseed oils are often used, but you can experiment with other types of oil for different flavours. Homemade mayonnaise can also be customised with additional ingredients such as herbs, spices, or garlic to suit your taste preferences.

What is the best oil to use for homemade mayonnaise?

The best oil to use for homemade mayonnaise is one that has a neutral taste and a high smoke point, as well as a light texture. Neutral-tasting oils such as vegetable, sunflower, and grapeseed oils are commonly used for mayonnaise, as they don’t have a strong flavour that can overpower the other ingredients.

Some people prefer to use extra-virgin olive oil or avocado oil for their homemade mayonnaise, as they have a more distinct flavour profile and are considered healthier options. However, these oils have a lower smoke point and a thicker texture. Which can affect the overall taste and texture of the mayonnaise.

Ultimately, the choice of oil comes down to personal preference. You can experiment with different oils to find the one you like best for your homemade mayonnaise.

Why is my homemade mayo so runny?

If your homemade mayo is too runny or thin, there are a few possible reasons:

  1. Not using enough egg yolk: The egg yolk acts as an emulsifier that helps bind the oil, vinegar, or lemon juice together. The mayonnaise may not thicken properly if you don’t use enough egg yolk. Try adding another egg yolk to the mixture and whisking it in until the mayo thickens.
  2. Pouring the oil too quickly: It’s important to pour the oil into the egg yolk mixture slowly and steadily while whisking continuously. If you pour the oil too quickly, the mayonnaise recipe may not emulsify properly and could become too runny. Try pouring the oil in a slower and steadier stream whilst whisking vigorously.
  3. Using the wrong type of oil: Some oils are too thin or have a low viscosity, which can make the mayonnaise too runny. Neutral-tasting oils such as vegetable, sunflower, and grapeseed oil work best for mayonnaise. If you used a different type of oil, try switching to one of these options.
  4. Not whisking long enough: Whisking the egg yolk mixture and oil for long enough is crucial for the emulsion to form correctly. If you stopped whisking too soon, the mayonnaise may not have thickened enough. Try whisking for a few more minutes until the mayo thickens.
  5. Not chilling the mayo: Homemade mayonnaise will thicken and firm up more as it chills in the fridge. If you’ve just made your mayo and it seems too runny, try putting it in the refrigerator for a few hours to see if it thickens up.

Remember that homemade mayonnaise can be tricky to get right, and it may take some practice to perfect your technique.

How do you thicken homemade mayonnaise?

If your homemade mayonnaise is still too thin or runny, you can try to thicken it by doing the following:

  1. Whisk in additional egg yolk: The egg yolk acts as an emulsifier that helps bind the oil, vinegar, or lemon juice together. Adding another egg yolk to the mixture can help to thicken the mayonnaise. Whisk the additional egg yolk into the mayo until it is well combined.
  2. Add more oil: Adding more oil can help to thicken the mayonnaise. Gradually pour a small amount of oil into the mayonnaise while whisking continuously. Continue adding oil and whisking until the mayonnaise reaches the desired thickness.
  3. Mix in a spoonful of Dijon mustard: Mustard contains a natural emulsifier that can help to thicken the mayonnaise. Add a spoonful of Dijon mustard to the mayonnaise and whisk until well combined.
  4. Use a hand blender or food processor: If whisking by hand isn’t thickening the mayonnaise enough, try using a hand blender or food processor. Blend the mayonnaise for a few minutes until it thickens.
  5. Chill the mayo: Homemade mayonnaise will thicken and firm up more as it chills in the fridge. If your mayo is a bit runny, try putting it in the refrigerator for a few hours to see if it thickens.

It’s important to note that adding too much oil or egg yolk can cause the mayonnaise to break and become watery. It’s best to add these ingredients gradually and whisk continuously until you reach the desired consistency.

Is it cheaper to make mayo or buy it?

It can be cheaper to make your own mayonnaise at home compared to buying it, depending on the ingredients you use and the quantity of mayo you need.

When you make mayonnaise at home, you can control the quality of the ingredients you use and customise the flavours to your liking. Additionally, you can make smaller or larger quantities of mayonnaise depending on your needs, which can help to reduce waste.

On the other hand, buying pre-made mayonnaise can be more convenient and time-saving, especially if you need a large amount of mayo or don’t have the necessary ingredients. However, store-bought mayonnaise may contain additives, preservatives, and stabilisers, which can affect the quality of the product.

Overall, making your own mayonnaise recipe can be cost-effective if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing exactly what’s in your mayo, and you can adjust the recipe to your liking.

Is there raw egg in Hellman’s mayo UK?

In the UK, Hellmann’s mayonnaise is made using pasteurised eggs. According to Hellmann’s UK website, they use “100% free-range eggs and ensure that they are pasteurised to ensure they are perfectly safe to use in our mayonnaise.” Therefore, there is no risk of salmonella contamination from raw eggs in Hellmann’s mayonnaise sold in the UK.

Is there a raw egg in Hellman’s mayo?

In the United States, Hellmann’s mayonnaise is made with pasteurised eggs. Eliminating the risk of salmonella contamination from raw eggs. The pasteurisation process involves heating the eggs to a temperature high enough to kill harmful bacteria while maintaining the egg proteins’ integrity.

However, in other countries, the formulation and production of Hellmann’s mayonnaise may vary. So it’s best to check the label or contact the manufacturer to confirm if the product contains raw or pasteurised eggs.

How long does homemade mayonnaise last?

Homemade mayonnaise typically lasts about 1 to 2 weeks when stored properly in the refrigerator. However, the actual shelf life can depend on a few factors. Such as the ingredients used and how the mayonnaise was prepared and stored.

To maximise the shelf life of homemade mayonnaise, it should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4°C (40°F) or below. It’s also essential to use clean utensils when handling the mayonnaise to avoid contamination with bacteria.

If the mayonnaise develops an off smell or taste, or if you notice any mould growth, it should be discarded immediately. Additionally, if the mayonnaise appears to have separated or become watery, it’s best to discard it and make a fresh batch.

Is it safe to make mayonnaise with raw eggs the UK?

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) advises against consuming raw or lightly cooked eggs due to the risk of salmonella contamination. While the risk of contracting salmonella from raw eggs is relatively low, it is still present. It can cause serious illness in some people, particularly those with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and pregnant women.

However, if you still want to make mayonnaise using raw eggs, there are some steps you can take to minimise the risk of salmonella contamination. One way is to use pasteurised eggs. Which have been heat-treated to kill any harmful bacteria while still maintaining the integrity of the egg proteins. 

Another way is to use a pasteurised egg product. Such as liquid egg whites or egg substitutes, widely available in supermarkets.

Alternatively, you can make mayonnaise using a cooked egg yolk method. Which involves heating the egg yolks with vinegar or lemon juice until they reach a temperature of at least 71°C (160°F) before whisking in the oil. This process effectively kills any harmful bacteria and reduces the risk of salmonella contamination.

In summary, while making mayonnaise with raw eggs in the UK is not recommended due to the risk of salmonella contamination, there are ways to minimise the risk if you choose to do so.

Why do you put an egg in mayonnaise?

Egg is an essential ingredient in mayonnaise because it acts as an emulsifier. Which helps to blend the oil and vinegar or lemon juice into a creamy and stable emulsion. Without an emulsifier, the oil and vinegar or lemon juice would separate, and the mayonnaise would not have the desired texture and consistency.

The egg’s yolk contains lecithin, a natural emulsifier that helps stabilise the emulsion and prevent it from breaking apart. When the egg yolk is whisked together with the oil and vinegar or lemon juice, the lecithin molecules in the yolk surround the oil droplets and help to keep them suspended in the liquid. Resulting in a smooth and creamy mayonnaise.

Additionally, the egg yolk adds flavour and richness to the mayonnaise recipe and helps thicken it by absorbing some of the oil. Overall, the egg is an important ingredient in mayonnaise that helps to create its distinctive texture, flavour, and stability.

Can you over whisk mayonnaise?

Yes, it is possible to over-whisk mayonnaise, which can cause it to break and become thin and runny. Mayonnaise is an emulsion of oil and water, stabilised by the egg yolk acting as an emulsifier. When the egg yolk is beaten with the oil, vinegar, or lemon juice, it creates tiny droplets of oil suspended in the water-based mixture. If the mixture is over-whisked. The egg yolk can become overworked and start to break down, causing the emulsion to separate.

To avoid over-whisking, using a gentle hand when whisking the ingredients together is essential. Begin by whisking the egg yolk and vinegar or lemon juice together until they are well combined. Then, gradually add the oil in a slow, steady stream. Whisking continuously until the mixture thickens and emulsifies. Once the mayonnaise has reached the desired consistency. Stop whisking immediately to prevent overworking the egg yolk.

If you do happen to over-whisk the mayonnaise recipe and it starts to become thin and runny. You can try to rescue it by adding a bit more oil and whisking it vigorously to try to re-emulsify the mixture. Alternatively, you can start over with a fresh egg yolk and try again. Being careful not to over-whisk the mixture this time.

Welcome to Vivre Le Rêve, an online lifestyle magazine for all those who are or who want to be living the dream! I’m Rose, the lifestyle editor here at Vivre Le Rêve.