How Long To Cook a Chicken Breast in the Oven

How Long To Cook a Chicken Breast in the Oven

Here’s a simple recipe for how long to cook a chicken breast in the oven:


  • 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) 
  2. Rub the chicken breast with olive oil, and sprinkle it generously with salt and pepper.
  3. Place the chicken breast in a baking dish. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 75°C (165°F).
  4. Remove the chicken from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.
  5. To check the temperature, insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken breast, ensuring it doesn’t touch any bones. The thermometer should read 165°F (75°C) when the chicken is fully cooked.
  6. If the chicken breast is not fully cooked after 20 to 25 minutes, bake it in 5-minute increments until it reaches the correct temperature. Be careful not to overcook the chicken, as it can become dry and tough.
  7. Once the chicken breast is fully cooked, remove it from the oven and let it rest for at least 5 minutes before slicing it. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making it more tender and juicy.
  8. You can serve the chicken breast as is or use it in various recipes such as salads, sandwiches, or pasta dishes.

Note: The cooking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken breast. To ensure the chicken is fully cooked, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature.

That’s it! With this simple recipe, you can cook a delicious and juicy chicken breast in the oven every time.

How long does it take to cook a chicken breast in the oven at 180?

Cooking a chicken breast at 180°C (or 350°F) usually takes about 25 to 30 minutes. However, the exact cooking time can vary depending on the thickness of the chicken breast and the type of oven you’re using.

To ensure the chicken is fully cooked, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken breast. The thermometer should read 75°C (165°F) when inserted into the thickest part of the chicken breast without touching the bone.

It’s important to note that cooking time can vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken breast. So it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on it and check the temperature regularly to avoid overcooking or undercooking.

What temperature should chicken breast be cooked to in the oven UK?

In the UK, chicken breast should be cooked to an internal temperature of 75°C (165°F) when cooked in the oven. This is the minimum safe temperature for chicken as it ensures that any harmful bacteria that may be present are destroyed.

To check the internal temperature of the chicken breast. Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the meat. Ensuring it doesn’t touch any bones. When the temperature reaches 75°C (165°F), the chicken is fully cooked and safe to eat.

It’s important to note that cooking times may vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken breast and the type and accuracy of your oven. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to check the internal temperature of the chicken to ensure it’s fully cooked before serving.

How long to cook a chicken breast in the oven

Should I wrap chicken breast in foil?

While it’s unnecessary to wrap chicken breast in foil when cooking it in the oven. It can be an excellent option to keep the chicken moist and prevent it from drying out.

Wrapping the chicken breast in foil creates a steamy environment that helps to retain moisture and prevents the chicken from becoming dry. Additionally, it can help infuse the chicken with any seasonings or marinades you use.

To wrap chicken breast in foil, place the chicken breast in the centre of a large sheet of foil and fold the sides of the foil up around the chicken, sealing it tightly. Leave a little space around the chicken to allow the steam to circulate.

However, keep in mind that cooking the chicken breast in foil may produce a less crisp exterior. As it can trap moisture and prevent the chicken from browning properly. If you prefer a crispy exterior, cooking the chicken breast uncovered in the oven is best.

In summary, wrapping chicken breast in foil is unnecessary. But can be a good option to keep the chicken moist and infuse it with additional flavours.

How long to cook chicken breast in air fryer

The cooking time for chicken breast in an air fryer can vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken.

As a general guideline, you can cook a 6-ounce chicken breast in the air fryer at 190°C (375°F) for about 12-15 minutes. However, it’s always important to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. This is to ensure it has reached 74°C (165°F). Which is the safe minimum internal temperature for cooked chicken.

If the chicken breast is thicker, you may need to increase the cooking time by a few minutes. Or if it’s smaller, you may need to decrease the cooking time. It’s also a good idea to flip the chicken halfway through the cooking time to ensure even cooking on both sides.

How do you keep chicken breast moist?

Chicken breast can easily dry out when cooked, but there are several ways to keep it moist:

  • Brine the chicken: Soak the chicken breast in a saltwater solution for several hours before cooking. This helps infuse the chicken with moisture, producing juicy and tender meat.
  • Marinate the chicken: Marinating the chicken breast in a flavorful liquid can help to add moisture and prevent it from drying out during cooking.
  • Use a meat thermometer: Overcooking the chicken breast can cause it to become dry and tough. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken. Removing it from the oven when it reaches 75°C (165°F).
  • Cover the chicken: Covering the chicken with foil or a lid while cooking can help to trap in moisture and prevent it from drying out.
  • Rest the chicken: Letting the chicken rest for a few minutes after cooking allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. Resulting in a more tender and juicy chicken breast.

In short, brining, marinating, using a meat thermometer, covering the chicken, and resting it after cooking. Are all effective ways to keep chicken breast moist and tender.

Welcome to Vivre Le Rêve, an online lifestyle magazine for all those who are or who want to be living the dream! I’m Rose, the lifestyle editor here at Vivre Le Rêve.