Apparently Where You Hide Your Clutter Reveals A Lot About You

Apparently Where You Hide Your Clutter Reveals A Lot About You

You might think that where you store your junk is more about laziness or space than anything to do with your personality, but according to What Your Clutter Is Trying To Tell You by Kerri Richardson, it actually says a lot about you.

Your wardrobe – nostalgia

The book suggests that holding onto wardrobe clutter is about not wanting to let go of certain memories. Perhaps an old pair of jeans, or that prom dress, reminds you of a happier time. Keeping them in your wardrobe is more about not wanting to let go of that feeling, rather than the clothes themselves.

Your car – no boundaries

Mess and clutter in your car is a clear sign you’re feeling overwhelmed. It shows you have no space left just for you and the boundaries in your life have collapsed. You may be filling your personal space with clutter to avoid getting on with planning your life and making important decisions.

Your desk – procrastination

Clutter on your desk may reveal a fear of moving forward. Procrastinating and avoiding clearing up piles of paper shows your unwillingness to deal with difficult issues. Desk mess acts as an excuse to not get on with that next task or project. Richardson suggests that to solve this, you shouldn’t let clutter build in the first place.

A garage or cupboard – avoidance

Clutter drains your energy and can leave you feeling demotivated or overwhelmed. Boxes stacked up can start to become part of the normal scenery and worrying about not even knowing where to start decluttering can make you avoid it all together. This shows you’re lacking the mental energy to face tricky tasks. But the mess won’t go away, so it’s best to tackle it head on.

Your attic – guilt

A common place for clutter to build is in the attic, with all sorts of old mementos and keepsakes stacked away in boxes. A lot of these things aren’t useful, but a sense of guilt can stop you from clearing them out. This emotional baggage makes getting rid of this stuff hard, even when not that important. It’s a good idea to think about whether you really need these things after all.

Welcome to Vivre Le Rêve, an online lifestyle magazine for all those who are or who want to be living the dream! I’m Rose, the lifestyle editor here at Vivre Le Rêve.