Not Doing Monthly Date Night Yet? Here’s Why You Should Be


Not Doing Monthly Date Night Yet? Here’s Why You Should Be

Ensures you’re putting your relationship first

Your relationship, assuming it’s important to you, should be at the top of your list, even before work and right up there with children. Ensuring that you have date nights on a regular basis actively proves that your relationship is a high priority, as it should be.

Time off

Sometimes you just need to get away from everything. It’s important, because too much work and no play causes a lot of stress and can affect every area of your life. Having regular date nights gives you freedom from those stressors and special time with the one you care about.

The couple that plays together, stays together

What’s more important than having a good time with the love of your life?! Marriage should be something you ultimately enjoy, despite the inevitable ups and downs. Participating in activities that you both like to do promotes positive attitudes towards each other and ultimately, a successful marriage.

Treat yourself

You know that gorgeous dress you saw in the store that you wanted so badly? Date nights give you an excuse to buy items like that. It won’t just hang in your closet, forgotten and abandoned. Date night also reminds spouses to dress up and be on their best behaviour.  This is important in a long-term relationship.  The husband might hold the door or buy his wife flowers.  She might laugh more at his jokes or tell him he looks handsome.  Sure, ultimately this should happen all the time but with the stressors of work and kids it usually won’t.

Connection and communication

When we get that time to chat with no destination, it is amazing how connected and affirmed you can feel toward your spouse. We need this time to build strong marriages, because let’s face it – we lead busy lives and when we don’t make time for each other, something is bound to break and someone will feel “not connected”.

Fun fact

Did you know that couples who had date night once a week were 3.5 times more likely to be very happy in their marriages.  Even couples who were living together were 4 times more likely to be happy in their relationships than couples with no weekly date night!


I love having something to look forward to, don’t you? Having that Saturday date night on the calendar and looking forward to it all week can help me and my attitude stay happy and healthy as I journey through the day. Thinking of what to do, where we might go, what we might talk about, what dreams may develop in that conversation because we have some freedom and are not bound by home tasks.

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Welcome to Vivre Le Rêve, an online lifestyle magazine for all those who are or who want to be living the dream! I’m Rose, the lifestyle editor here at Vivre Le Rêve.